nekhnona's webspace

add my button to your website!


sign my guestbook!

welcome to my homepage!

here's a very quick self introduction:

nekhbet/maeve, he/it [she is also ok], 16, artist, musician, game dev

i made this website as my own little space on the internet, and in order to replace my rentry, which you can find the link to on the left.

feel free to also take a look at the sitemap if you don't want to click around and find stuff on here [doesn't exist, redirects to a 404 page at the time of writing].

you can read a more in-depth self introduction on my about page [also doesn't exist, redirects to a 404 page at the time of writing]. for now, feel free to enjoy your stay on my page.

basic criteria, proshippers, zionists, and fat fetishists are not welcome here.

this page contains autoplaying music! current song: nn_game

site updates

oct 13th, 2024

  • completely overhauled website layout.
  • removed button wall page and moved it here.
  • added new links, socials, etc.
  • removed stardew valley button page due to detachment from the game.

  • button wall

    Status Cafe

